Semiotic Analysis

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Advertising is a prominent discourse type in virtually all spheres, and in this society, it is rapidly evolving and used consistently. The important distinguishing feature of any advertisement is its function and its ability to persuade the audience to buy that particular product or be influenced by that message. However, many researchers believe that an advertisement encompasses not only the persuasive element but also features an informational thought as well. It has a meaning, a story behind it and is designed to shape our narrative.

An advertisement consists of signs and symbols and the study of these, especially the relationship between written and spoken signs is called Semiology. It draws attention to the many layers and dimensions of meaning inside that particular advertisement or image. Semiotics, as defined in Key Concepts in Communication, is the “...endeavours to reveal and analyse the extent to which meanings are produced out of the structural relations that exist within any sign system, and not from the external reality that they seem so naturally to depict.”

Whereas according to Turner, “A sign can be thought of as the smallest unit of communication within a language system. It can be a word, a photograph, a sound, an image on a screen, a musical note, a gesture, an item of clothing. To be a sign it must have a physical form, it must refer to something other than itself, and it must be recognised as doing this by other users of the sign system.”

The studies of semiotics were split into five groups; two of where were: “signified”, “signifier”.

Signifier – That is what is read or seen visually. The signifier can be a poster, or a photograph, even an act, something that is taken as face value. While the signif...

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...lvement – transformational brand strategy. Sex is primarily used to advertise low-risk products purchased on impulse. According the strategy, “the key is in the emotional portrayal of the benefit in order to arouse emotional response,” The audience might seek sensory gratification after viewing this advertisement. Cultural values can play a major role in how the audience feels about the advertisement because while the advertisement clearly attracts the attention and adds shock value – it may offend many people because of its sexual nature.

Works Cited

O’Sullivan, Tim; Hartley, John; Saunders, Danny; and Fiske, John. (1983). Key Concepts in Communication. Great Britian: Routledge.

Turner, Graeme. (1990, 2003). British cultural studies.US: Routledge.

Wearing, A.J. (1973).The Recall of Sentences of Varying Length. Australian Journal of Psychology, 25, 155 – 61.

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