Selling My Car

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As the seller, my goal was to get as much money for my used car as possible. I

met with the buyer and was immediately surprised that they quickly got down to the

business of acquiring my used car. My goal was to try and strike up a rapport with the

buyer and get to know them a little better given the time we had. I asked if the buyer had

a family and if economy as well as safety was something they were interested in when it

comes to transportation. It was important to me that I get the buyer to relax a bit and

become comfortable speaking with me about things tangential to the car. This strategy I

felt would help me learn exactly what their goals were so that I could use that information

in my presentation of this used vehicle. It took a little more time than I thought, however

the buyer started to open up and pause before responding—giving me a chance to

reaffirm their goals and assess where I could go ultimately with my negotiations.

The Competitive Phase

I started out my negotiation to the buyer with an objective argument that the

vehicle I was selling was very reliable. I offered to provide the service tickets showing

that routine maintenance had been performed on schedule with the intent of strengthening

the resale value of the vehicle. I also went on to say that I had two other offers that I was

considering, but there was still time for the buyer to tender their offer for consideration.

My thought of the implied threat of having other offers on the table was very effective

because as soon as I said that—the buyer turned and offered more for the vehicle.

I certainly asked more for the vehicle than I thought possible because I thought

the b...

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...the buyer that I would assure to have the tank full of gas and the vehicle washed

upon delivery. We did end our negotiation on a positive vibe.


I felt I was successful in this exercise, but admittedly I should have let the buyer

speak first from simply a strategic standpoint. By speaking first, this gave the buyer

more time to analyze my position and thus come up with a more saleable argument with

their offer. I feel that my success came with having substantial positive counter offers

once I spoke to the more positive aspects of this vehicle. I would have liked to try the

Boulwareism “take it or leave it” proposal just to see what response I would have

received. Of course, knowing that I needed the cash today is what kept me from

attempting that one because the buyer could have said, “Well, I’ll just leave it.”

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