Self Image In My First Conk By Malcolm X

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Look in the mirror… what do you see? You see an appearance, but does that appearance define who you are? Self image is a huge factor in our society today, people worry about their appearance and how others view them due to agonizing over the thought of judgement. We judge based distinctively on appearance and no one can deny it. At some point in our lives we have all judged someone based solely upon their looks. However , it is something we should all work on. We shouldn't judge based off of image ,because the way you look doesn't define who you are. Especially the factor of race, just because someone is of a different race whether it be black and white, asian and chinese, or hispanic and latino. These billions of people make up our society. …show more content…

This making us prone to judge based on a conception of race. Those who overthink judgment and worry about the opinions of others tend to lose themselves and try to change. Whether that change be as little as a hairstyle, in My First Conk by Malcolm X he provides and example of this. Malcolm himself conforms to society due to the conception of his race. He “...speaks from personal experience...” allowing us to be apart of a time in his life where he changed himself trying to fit in. When he got a “conk” it was his “...first really big step toward self-degradation…”. He had conformed, he “...endured all of that pain, literally burning (his) flesh to have it look like a white man's hair.” He had realized that he had “...joined that multitude of Negro men and women in America who are brainwashed into believing that the black people are “inferior”-and white people are “ superior”- that they will even violate and mutilate their God-created bodies to try to look “pretty” by white standards.” We shouldn’t hold people to standards, no one should have to feel like they aren’t …show more content…

We have all done something that maybe we wouldn’t do on our own just to prove something or fit in with ones around us. But why? It all boils down to society, us, we do it to ourselves. We are the ones who have made these so called “standards” and we can be the ones to change them. Every person around us has flaws, it comes with being human. No matter the beauty on the outside what truly matters shows on the inside; how we see ourselves is what truly matters. It doesn't matter how other people see you and we shouldn't compare ourselves to others around us because we aren't them. We are ourselves and we should be proud of who we are. Self doubt seems to get to a lot of us and we shouldn't let it. We can not change who we are and we shouldn't try to or want to. The Transcendental beliefs of Emerson in Self-Reliance compares to Malcolm X’s, My First Conk, by providing “basic tenets” supporting Malcolm in his use of transcendentalist beliefs. The tenets that most stand out in Malcolm’s writing are that “ An intelligent person always seeks to revise their beliefs and make them better. It is foolish to worry about consistency and believe something just because you believed it yesterday.” Malcolm had believed in getting his hair “conked” however, once it was done he had realized he had “self-degraded” himself,he had become shameful of his action thus allowing him to change his views about “conks”. This is why we shouldn't try so

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