Self Identity In Films

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It is important to know your self identity because if Jim is in some group that people know he does not belong in then he needs to reflect on his self identity and go to the group that likes the same thing that he does and the group that he has most things in common with. Also, people need to know their self identity because if they are struggling in some sport that people know they do not like then they are just wasting their time doing that sport instead they could be playing a sport that they do love and not just do a sport that they hate just to fit in. Finally, your self identity makes everybody who they really are. If they push that away they are putting on a mask just like April did and nobody wants to be behind a mask. In both movies the main characters struggle to find out who they really are ,and they go through many challenges to be known for who they really are. In this struggle they they both overcome they have a few similarities between them and their experiences. One big overall similarity is that they both do not fit in with any of the crowds. Another one is pretty obvious is that they both had to have COURAGE to do what they did. …show more content…

One is that Hercules is a god and April is a normal human that is a no brainer. Also, Hercules has a gift of super strength unlike April and he uses that gift to help people. One big one difference is that Hercules comes right out and tells and shows everybody that he is a hero and he has super strength but April just stays quiet and keeps everything to herself and acts a little shy. Another difference is that Hercules actually journeyed to zeus castle thing and his father then told him what his true identity was. April did not have anybody especially somebody that told her her self identity like Herculeses father did. Those are just a few of the differences in the two movies of the main characters

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