Self-Driving Ethical Dilemmas

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Who is Responsible? With self-driving cars on the horizon for the average consumer, an ethical dilemma is made apparent. Who is to blame in the advent of an accident involving a car that drives itself? There are many situations in which the car could make a “wrong” judgement call based off of its internal decision models. The problem occurs when the decision the car makes differs from what the average person would consider a good moral choice. A current issue relates to who is responsible for an assisted driving accident, when the car attempts to save the driver or a pedestrian, and the other issue involves self-driving cars and the responsibility of computer model decisions. The article by Patrick Lin addresses the issues with assisted-driving cars attempting to make ethical decisions in the …show more content…

For instance, some new software and decision models that are currently being developed in advanced computer science, are neural nets. These neural nets imitate the human brain by tweaking statistical averages for nodes to compute a decision based off of a set of input data. This input data would be things like where the car is, how many cars are around, speed limit, etc. The biggest usage with the neural net is that it can learn and develop its own decisions based off a set of input data that identifies a basic set of decisions. With these neural nets at the heart of the decision models, the car manufacturer sometimes can not predict what the neural net will decide as the neural net has essentially learned a decision model and drafts its own conclusions for a incident. So the car manufacturer has the possibility to no longer be involved in the decision making model and can no longer be responsible for the car’s “supposed” immoral

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