Self Discovery Of Equality In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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The Self Discovery Of Equality 7-2521

“Our uniqueness, our individuality, and our life experience molds us into fascinating beings. I hope we can embrace that. I pray we may all challenge ourselves to delve into the deepest resources of our hearts to cultivate an atmosphere of understanding, acceptance, tolerance, and compassion. We are all in this life together.” -Linda Thompson. In the Novel Anthem by Ayn Rand, the main character Equality 7-2521 (later known as Prometheus), documents his story of his discovery of the word “I”. He later writes his anthem about how individuality and uniqueness are the most important attributes to mankind, he shows this when he writes, “I am done with the monster of ‘We,’ the word of serfdome, of plunder, …show more content…

This is symbolically shown with his use of the plural words such as “we” and “us” instead of “I” and “me”, which show the lack of individuality and knowlege that him and his people are allowed. When he makes his discovery of “I” he says, “I am done with the monster of ‘We,’ the word of serfdome, of plunder, of misery, falsehood and shame.” (97). This quote shows that he is liberated from his old ways and is angry at his former leaders who limited his knowlege. Also how he wants reform and for a new start with his new word, “I”. Equality can now go fourth and make discoveries on his own without restrictions and …show more content…

That is freedom. This and nothing else.”(101). While this quote is an amzing example of Equalty’s enlightenment, it also shows how a person can go from one extreme to the next. How one could go from extremely sheltered and unimportant to self righteous, cocky, and even sexist. The author makes a point to say “man” and “brothers” even though he is with a woman who is just as free as him. This leads one to believe Equality isn’t so Equal. In the story you are told that women are peasents who farm, while Equality may have come to see that he is an individual he may not have seen that women are aswell. Also, when he says “This and nothing else” it shows he is open to his own learning but no one else is to question him because he is the one opinion. Again a very sheltered way of thinking much like the society he just left. It seems that he is not as liberated and enlightened as one would initially think because he has the same ways of thinking just of different

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