Self Control and Moderation

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The habits and actions of a person will instantly mirror his character, which sometimes it could be uncomfortable. Being like a transparent window through which anyone can see is not always what one might desire. Yet, Aristotle will claim that if one is unhappy with his character, he can change it into a better one, by deliberating well and making the right choice he would then be able to act in accordance with reason; and this will eventually help him reach a virtuous character. Although difficult to be put in practice, there is hope if the person really tries to correct his character. Throughout Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, specifically within his seventh book, he talks about the inner conflict that each person experiences when his desires and reason are battling one another. Aristotle makes the claim that depending on which party wins the battle, within each hostess, he is then able to recognize whether or not the actions taken upon the victory of either party, is a person that possess or doesn't possess self-control. However, not everyone experiences such battles, for the excellent characters are rarely heard of proclaiming such inner confrontations, since the excellent character is an impressive applicator of moderation to all given situations. And yet, although these three different characteristics express a great difference among each other, sometimes for an amateur eye some of them may look as if they are the same. The two characteristics that are often confused as the same thing are self-control and moderation. Aristotle's position regarding this common confusion between the two dispositions could be simply said that a self-controlled person is constantly hosting a battle among his reason and appetite, of which reason...

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...en it comes to her eating habits. Although at before she was feeling cravings for cigarettes and junk food, now she can't even smell the smoke or look at artificial food.

Flavia is a great example of a woman who transformed from a person who lacked self-control to a woman who now is possessing excellence in her eating habits. If even prior learning about her pregnancy, she was known that smoking and eating bad was not good for her she could not, not satisfy her appetite. Once he became pregnant, she progressed up the ladder to becoming a self-controlled person, letting her reason why over her appetite. Now as this eating style became as a second nature to her, Flavia is not a moderate person, because she doesn't feel pleasure for appetites that were once in disagreement with her reasoning, she now possesses appetites for healthy food and a smoke free environment.

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