Segregation In African American Society

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Regardless of what the Founding Fathers had claimed in The Constitution stating that “all men are created equal”, society and the world never were much good at following that ideology. Minorities have always been seen as small and inferior compared to majorities in social status. Even their roots implies this. The dictionary definition of minor is: lesser in importance. Whereas, the dictionary definition of major is: one of superior rank. Since the beginning of time, there has always been segregation between different cultures, races, wealth classes, and genders. However, one of the largest separations we have seen is that between African Americans and the rest of the world.
On December 1, 1955 she inspired and changed the entire course of …show more content…

Johnson had to witness how his country was being torn apart due to racial discrimination against African Americans. President Johnson took office after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Johnson passed many acts and an amendment in hopes of creating a sense of unity in the United States of America. He passed the 24th Amendment which states that poll taxes would no longer be allowed for federal elections. This allowed for poor African Americans and minorities to vote. Johnson also signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (first inflicted by John F. Kennedy) into law on July 2nd. This act ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination based on race, color, religion or sex. Now children would be able to attend the same schools. A year after Johnson imposed this act, he signed another act: Voting Rights Act of 1964. With this act, literacy tests were outlawed and banned. Many minorities could not read or write so this helped them vote regardless of what they knew. During this time, the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) was at an all time high. They terrorized African Americans whenever they had the chance. Johnson then called for a full investigation of the KKK. Seeing all the reform going on, African Americans began to move into the South, specifically Alabama. By 1966, the number of African Americans living there had quadrupled. When Johnson announced in March of 1968 that he would not run for reelection, the nation was …show more content…

Alabama. In 1931, nine African American men (known as the Scottsboro Boys) were accused of raping two white women. Before this accusation, the nine men were on a bus with other whites. The two groups then got in an argument. Eight of the nine Scottsboro Boys were sentenced to death. Their sentence was in a series of three one- day trials. The nine men were not allowed to hire a lawyer or contact any of their family members. After hearing the 1931 case, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that the trial was fair. However, the United States Supreme Court reversed the ruling. They also found that the men’s rights had been

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