Second Industrial Revolution Essay

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The Second Industrial Revolution improved many things, for example technology, transportation, and communication. Railroads were expanded, steel was made, and there were advances in transportation and communication. The boom which occurred in the oil industry became known as the Second Industrial Revolution. The Second Industrial Revolution was also known as the Technological Revolution. It occurred during the 19th century through World War I. Even though the advances in transportation and communication during the Second Industrial Revolution improved many American lives, there were other productions and inventions that ruined the rest of the American lives. Iron and steel industries were an important role during the Second Industrial Revolution. In the 1850s, the Bessemer process was made, where steel was made faster and cheaper. Steel was the reason the United States became a modern industrial economy. Steel helped build railroads, buildings, and bridges. Steel and iron were at a low cost during this era, which is why they were used for many things. Also, there were new scientific developments during the Second Industrial Revolution, like gas. For example, coal gas was produced to allow factories to have longer hours. It was also used to produce bright lights. Also, there was the production of electricity. Because of this, in 1832, the very first electrical generator was built. The light bulb was also common during this period. The development of electricity was discovered by scientists from Germany and the United States. Electricity was mostly used in industries and could be used for the developments of transportation and communication. The finding of electricity in the Second Industrial Revolution produced advances in commu... ... middle of paper ... ...ries. It was an easier device to use instead of writing. All of these advances in communications made communication for Americans faster and easier. Overall, the new technologies and inventions were very useful to many Americans. The advances in transportation made it easier for Americans to transport from one destination to the other. Communication inventions helped many people communicate with other countries in a faster and easier way. The Second Industrial Revolution improved American lives. Life was easier for Americans during this period. Steel was cheaper during this time period, which was used for many inventions. The advances in transportation and technology impacted people’s lives by making their lives better and by having subways and automobiles to travel and by having the telephone and telegraph to communicate easier with others across the country.

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