Second Amendment Essay

748 Words2 Pages

Jose Espinoza
December 30,2013
Participate in Government
Second Amendment
Does the Second Amendment protect the right of individuals to keep and bear arms? There are many modern debates but one that seems to be the top topic is about being about the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms was given to Americans by the founding fathers in 1791. This led to the right to bear arms being one of the first amendments to construct the bill of rights. The second amendment has recently became the hot topic for debate. The question now, however, was apparently never even discussed for a long time after the Bill of Rights was enclosed. The debate has recently shifted only because of consecutive developments in the Constitution and in constitutional law.
Many people believe that the Second Amendment means that only the military should have the right to carry guns. This is a must for the military but about everybody else is still a debatable topic. Many Americans believed that english history and the experience of colonial times, are different from the time today. The central governments are prone to use armies to oppress the people. For other purposes such as responding to sudden invasions, the government might be restricted to using a militia to fight off the situation. The militia will consist of ordinary civilians who will supply themselves with their own weapons and receive part time money. Militias are always either joined with federal, state or local government control.They described a militia or army not under no control could be considered illegal or in rebellion leading to danger. Gun control is such an important right to many individuals that they will go out of their way to make sure the right is preserved. Some ind...

... middle of paper ... to own firearms. An unknown author said, "A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone." This quote just shows how much more safer it is to have a gun because most cops will not be there at the scene with you, so it is much more faster than a cop on a phone coming to give assistance.
Therefore, in the end, The right to keep and bear arms is attacked by those who believe the Second Amendment (the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed) has no place in today's society. No matter how long it will take, many people that are in favor to go the extra mile to protect the right to bear arms will fight to keep what they believe is right. It is their constitutional right to "keep and bear arms". Common sense is necessary for the safety of others when regulating gun rights, but the government has no right whatsoever to ban guns altogether.

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