Seals: A Short Story

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The sun hasn’t risen yet. I put my fins on my feet and swim cap on my head. Once my goggles are on it’s time to dive in. I’m plunging into the freezing ocean. Each stroke I take I'm going farther and farther into the ocean and away from the sea shore. It feels like I’ve been kicking for days, but in reality, I’ve only been in for 5 minutes. I am scared and nervous at the same time because it is my first time swimming in the cove. As we paddled out we saw colorful fish circling around us. There are red fish, orange fish, and yellow and orange striped fish swarming and following me. ”Can I actually touch a fish?” I wondered. As I reached my arm out to touch it, it zipped away. It feels like I've been in for two seconds and were already at the cove. Darkness is all around me as I am quickly …show more content…

I am seeing the seals just lying there on a hot day with my own two bulging eyes. These seals are no ordinary seals they’re huge and beefy. I was eager to go and touch their fins so I slowly swam over to them. I was thrilled to be hearing these seals barking at my dad and me. It feels like I’ve been looking at them for ten seconds, but actually, it’s just been a split second. I don’t know why I am slowly moving away because I like the seals and I wanted to swim around their cave a little longer. While I am swimming farther away from the cave I see a gray shape in front of me. I also see that it has an arch on its back. At first, I was frightened that it was a shark but I was relieved it was smaller than a shark. I saw it dive under for just one second because it was really speedy. This was a very chunky, gigantic shape, thankfully it was just a dolphin. I can see that people are trying to talk to me, but I can’t understand anything because my ears are in the water. After my adventure, it is time to head back in. On my swim back in I saw more colorful

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