Scout Mature In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, a young girl named Scout is shown to overcome her age and mature throughout the scenarios of the story; two important ones being Scout’s awareness for Boo Radley and the Tom Robinson trial . In addition, I have greatly changed this year by realizing how precious and stunning life is through volunteering at a hospital and seeing more unfortunate people. To begin, Scout greatly matures through her interactions with and curiosity of Boo Radley. In the beginning of the story, Scout is just an inquiring child in Maycomb County who fears the mystery of Boo Radley. Rather than seeing him for herself, Scout chooses to believe the stories that have longed her neighborhood for years. At the start of …show more content…

In the beginning of the case, Scout gets in fights for no apparent reason; it is a childish actions to portray herself - a child. During the Tom Robinson case, Cecil Jacobs “announced in the schoolyard [before] that Scout Finch’s daddy defended n******” (). As a young girl, Scout did not know what these harsh words meant, but she knew they weren't right. When he first said them, Scout’s first thoughts were to fight him, but Atticus had told her before that he did not want her fighting anyone. When Atticus talks to her about the situation and why Cecil said that, Scout asks him why he took the case, and he says ¨Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win¨ (76). From this, we can see that Atticus is trying to be the bigger person and help someone in need; he is providing an example for his children and showing them to stand up when they know something’s not right. After the talk between Scout and Atticus, Scout no longer fights people when they make rude remarks. She continues to have the urge to, but she forces to keep her fists clenched and her heart open. She shows herself growing; being a child is now only a label to …show more content…

In particular, I started volunteering in a hospital this year, and it has opened my eyes, showing me how fast life can be taken from you. It has taught me to cherish every moment and to stay positive. Now, no matter what I’m going through, I am always thankful that I’m not in the hospital; I am still healthy and alive, and I am very much grateful for that. In addition, visiting my grandparents who live in Compton has changed my views on how to go through my day. Being in such a scary and unsafe environment, seeing hundreds of homeless and hungry people, and hearing gunshots has woken me up. Seeing people live in poverty and the little kids who call that their home breaks my heart. It has taught me to be grateful for everything and to not take things for granted. It has shown me how blessed I am to live in such a safe neighborhood, go to a good school, and be surrounded by a loving family and wonderful friends. There are so many kids who can’t say that, and after this year, I realize how many people have to go through hard things like those at such a young

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