Scorpio Rising Illusionism

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1. What aspects of the film could be considered anti-illusionistic? Be specific. I feel that the scenes with Jesus seeming to look at the actions occurring in the film is anti-illusionist. Many of these scenes have a blue tint to them, breaking the "illusion" and bringing attention to the medium through the unnatural coloring. Furthermore, Jesus' head appears to turn to look at the action that is going on. The audience knows that this could not really happen because Jesus would not have been alive during the time that the film was created and because these scenes seem to have been taken from a previous film and edited to where Jesus' head is facing the characters in the subsequent scenes. 2. Defend the statement, Scorpio Rising is a film with a complex relationship to popular culture. …show more content…

Anger shows the critique of popular culture visually through the actions that the biker men partake, but through the music that accompanies it to describe the critique that is being made. In addition, I believe that Scorpio Rising has influenced popular culture by using techniques that later became prominent in music videos. For instance, the slow pans and tilts that match the vibe of the music is apparent in music videos. Nevertheless, vibrant colors, silhouettes, and the storyline following the lyrics of the music (and vice-versa) is also popular in today's music videos. Therefore, this also allows this film to have a complex relationship with popular

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