Science Memory

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As I began thinking back to elementary school, I realized that science memories were not among the first things that came my mind. For some reason I was having a hard time remembering what I learned in science class as an elementary student. The earliest memory that I could come up with came from 5th grade when my class dissected pig lungs and hearts. I can remember how cool it was to see the items from the textbook actually sitting in front of me. It felt really cool to be able to touch the items that I had only been able to see in pictures before. I had never seen the anatomical parts of an animal prior to this experience, so this was very interesting to me. It was an amazing hands on experience that many elementary students don’t get to …show more content…

We took every part of the cell and constructed it out of edible material on a cookie. I remember using licorice for the endoplasmic reticulum, frosting for the cytoplasm, and baked peanuts for the ribosomes. After we were all done with our cell, then we got to eat it so of course we all loved that. It was another hands on experience that stuck in my mind. I referred back to that project on many occasions to remember what each part of the cell did. This activity brought the difficult parts of a cell down to a 6th grader’s level of understanding. I did a lot of science outside of school in my younger years. I spent a lot of time fishing, fileting the fish with my dad, watching my family gut deer during hunting season, and gardening with my mom. I remember sitting in the lawn with my dad and making him describe every part of the fish that he had fileted. The “bubbler”, or air bladder, was my favorite part of the dissected fish. I was so interested in everything as a child, so I was happy whenever someone would sit down and explain it to me. It was always so cool for me to see things that I had learned about it in school in the real

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