Schools Of Strategy Essay

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Schools of Strategy and Example for Each Strategy The three “schools” of strategy There are various schools of strategy that have been vigorously debated on and after a consolidated effort; three schools of strategy were produced. They are the planning school, the positional school, and the resource based school of strategy (Ritson, 2013). All these strategies will be described with examples to buttress each. Describing the three schools of thought and provides an example of each. The planning school of thought is a strategy that emphasizes the need for an organization to ensure that its business strategy is in alignment with the environment that it operates. In other words, an organization’s strategy must ‘fit’ the environment that it chooses …show more content…

When Apple saw that the iPhone market was mature and stable, the organization introduced other innovative products to create a new market (Ritson, 2013). This is the philosophy of the planning school of strategy and it is all about engaging an existing market while forecasting the future market. The positioning school of strategy emphasizes making a strategy based on proper market analysis and logic so that organization’s product would have a dominant position in the market against other competitors. Furthermore, the positional school of strategy encourages competitive advantage over competitors while using decision-making and performance measurement tools such as the Porter’s five forces and the Boston Consulting Group Matrix to determine how to maintain dominance in the …show more content…

This strategy emphasizes the use of an organization’s resources and capabilities to achieve a core competence that cannot be imitated by competitors. Furthermore, the resource based school argues that if an organization distinctively improves its internal capability; that is being able to have effective inside machinery to deliver products and services to customers, the organization will enjoy a massive advantage in the market. This school also argues that in order to have a competitive advantage, an organization must have resource and capabilities that are sophisticated to those of competitors (QuickMBA, 2010). A typical example of the resource based school is an organization that has patented its products so that competitors are under obligations not to copyright these products. Additionally, having an installed customer base is a resource of an organization coupled with its brand equity. Apple Inc. is an organization whose resources and capabilities cannot be easily and effectively copyrighted in the technology industry. This is the source of Apple’s competitive dominance in the market in general. In conclusion, the three schools of thought-the planning, the positioning, and the resource based school of thoughts effectively highlights how an organization can improve and sustain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. It is, however,

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