School Uniform Cost Essay

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School uniforms are used to enforce no bullying rules and help the learning. The dress code is established and children imaginations are oppressed. The company used is Robert Renee and their finical costs for the free lunch children are effecting the school. Keywords: School Uniforms, Dress Code, Imagination, Finical Cost Newark Ohio School Uniform Many schools have started to use uniforms to cut down on bullying. This effect the student 's and teacher is in many ways. While the uniforms also cost a lot of money from the school that could go to other possibilities such as books, sports, and clubs for the kids. The problems with uniforms are causing the schools to lose money that could be elsewhere and is not very effective …show more content…

The high school sweatshirts must be school approved solid colors. Jackets cannot be worn unless permission from the principal is given. Skirts are to be khaki or black colored with the style of straight and pleated and cannot be shorter than mid-thigh. Shirts are to be solid colors of white, crimson, black, or gray, and have to be polo style with collars and three buttons or full button. Shorts are to be khaki or black colored and no longer than mid-thigh. Pants have to be the khaki or black colored and must fit the students body with no holes in them. The jewelry, hair, and hats are the same for the elementary school. (School Dress Code) These dress codes give nothing for the children to expand their selves and their imagination because they are conforming to what is thought to be …show more content…

Clothing is one way that they do this and the uniforms conform them into being one single group not able to express themselves the way they need to. A child and teen development specialist Robyn Silverman say’s “At a time where teens and preteens want to express themselves, clothes provide a vehicle, a benign vehicle, to allow them to express themselves and say, ‘I’m different,’ without having to approach more risky ways of saying the same thing,” (Flam 2013). This shows that with the oppressing of the imagination of the children to express themselves through clothes to trying to express themselves through ways that are more dangerous. In addition, the students might become more judgmental and create more bullying when the children wear the same clothing as each other. Silverman states this by “So if you have a body that’s a plus-size body, a curvier body, a very tall body, a very short body, those girls often feel that they don’t look their best,” (Flam 2013). The company used to create these uniforms does not have fitting options so every student will be looking the same except for how their bodies fit the

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