School Shooting Causes

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The Causes of School Shootings School shootings are becoming a common tragedy in our nation and even around the world. It seems every day on our televisions or newspapers we learn of a new shooting. People often wonder why someone would do such a thing or even what leads to these tragedies. The fact of the matter is that there are a wide variety of reasons to answer these questions. In order to stop these unnecessary shooting sprees, we need to break them down to their roots; finding what lead up to it, and how we can prevent another one from taking place. Amazingly enough, some people blame guns as the problem; but in reality the primary reasons of this present horror is bullying, childhood distress, and psychological disorders. However, …show more content…

Child abuse and divorce rates are at an all time high. Students that are under this kind of stress tend to have lower grades in school and some even drop out, which might lead them to get into trouble; and increase their chances of drug and alcohol use. Children who are abused tend to be abusive. A solution to this problem may be to have our schools focus on teaching family values and emphasizing their importance. Moreover, outreach programs for abuse victims needs to be promoted in schools. If students are not able or don’t even know such programs exist, more and more of them will turn away from school and become another convict. With jail’s increasing numbers, this is one of the last things we …show more content…

Most shootings today are due to the shooter having psychological disorders beforehand. In fact, most shootings occur either after the shooter started taking or stopped using psychiatric drugs. For instance: Back in November 2014, in Florida, A FSU alumni opened fire in FSU’s library. It was latter discovered that the shooter checked himself in a metal health hospital two months prior and was on multiple psychiatric drugs. This is just one instance where psychiatric drugs have played the main role in the cause for shootings. Perhaps laws need to be made where someone in such a condition should be made to have several psychological tests if the patient desires to purchase a

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