School Searches of Students' Lockers

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According to the National Education Association, at least 100,000 students bring guns to school, 160,000 students skip classes because they fear physical harm, 40 students are killed or hurt by firearms, nearly 6,250 teachers are threatened with bodily injury, and 260 teachers are physically assaulted. These facts are not based on once year, but as every single school day. Could one even imagine what the numbers might look like on scale for a month of school, let alone a whole year? So would starting with searching lockers really be a step to far to try and lower the numbers? Some may think yes due to the school invading the students’ privacy. The majority of people though will say no, doing searches of student’s lockers is not a bad thing. Though there may be a few draw backs to conducting locker searches, the benefit of them far outweigh them. Schools should have the right to do searches of the student lockers because it will deter unwanted things, they have permission under loco parentis, and it would allow administers to make sure for safer schools.

Many students though are ag...

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