School Psychologist Interview

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I interviewed the School Psychologist Ms. Zindler for my paper. Ms. Zindler works for the Fond du Lac School District at the High School. The purpose for the interview was to find out what her job responsibilities are in the IEP process, assessments she uses for different mental health diagnosis’s and other important parts of special education that she helps with.
Ms. Zindler has a M.S. degree in School Psychology and is license in the state of W.I. She has been employed with Fond du Lac High School for 3 years. Prior to that she owned her own group home, was a School Psychologist in Green Bay and also worked with children in New York. I felt that Ms. Zindler would be a great person to interview because she works at the same school I do …show more content…

Part of Ms. Zindler’s work is to understand the difference between the different Tier’s and the RTI framework. The school district uses Alpine Achievement to help keep up with student’s; PBIS growth, strengths, needs, data from Tier 2 and 3 state and national. It is part of Ms. Zindler’s job to use this data to gather student’s information. Ms. Zindler did she that the high school does have more support since RTI started for example, homework hour after school, reading and math interventions. She believes it is a good universal framework.
If the parents do not request the first meeting. The parents are included from the initial meeting and Ms. Zindler builds the meetings around the parent’s schedule. Ms. Zindler requests a meeting to get a social history on the child and parents to get a better understanding of their home-life.
How do you ensure you don’t misplace ELL or ESL in Special Education? Ms. Zindler said “when there are concerns about ELL or ESL the high school has their own ELL department and interpreter.
Ms. Zindler is also mentioned that she is involved in developing 504 plans. This plan similar to a health care plan. A 504 plan will accommodate students living with diabetes, anxiety, post head concussion, Tourette’s syndrome etc. A 504 plan only requires a note from a student’s doctor or

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