School Leadership Council

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The Governing board that we selected has the Local School Leadership Council as our primary

governance council. School Site Council (SSC) and English Lerner Advisory Council (ELAC)

will have oversite of our state and federal categorical funds. The reason why this type of

leadership was selected was to have greater autonomy/control over local decisions, California

Steam Academy will adopt the Local Leadership Model. Without a school and community

culture that supports ongoing learning, student achievement is unlikely to improve. The

challenge is to open avenues for informed conversation and for becoming informed. Involving

teachers in decisions about their work must be valued in its own right, as must giving parents and

other community …show more content…

The Local School Leadership Council works collaboratively to implement the school’s

vision and mission. Decisions made regarding policies and expectations are made with the

intent of helping students achieve the school’s vision and mission. The LSLC also works

together to establish, revise and implement the school’s direction. The LSLC carries out

its responsibilities with the help of a sub-committee, the Instructional Leadership Team

(ILT). The ILT meets monthly to plan data-driven professional development and

professional growth activities for the staff. The Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) at

California Steam Academy consists of all department chairpersons, teachers, administrators,

and coordinators. This group meets for an hour and half once or twice a month to plan

for staff professional development. Focus topics include data analysis, standards-based

curriculum, teaching strategies, student needs, WASC, backwards planning and design,

and implementation of Common Core State Standards.

The governing board monitors results regularly and approves the school action plan and its

relationship to the Local Educational Agency (LEA) plan. The LSLC is responsible …show more content…

The major

focus will be on Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy and mandates and Title 1 budget. They meet

monthly to ensure that English Learner students are provided with the support they need

in order to make progress in the English language acquisition. School Site Council

guidelines are as follows. The Council will consist of no fewer than 12 people with half of the

membership including staff and the principal.

Council Size Parent Principal Other Staff Classroom

12 6 1 1 4 7

Teacher/Other school Personal will make up the majority. The other half of the School Site

Council consists of parents, legal guardians, and or community member elected by parents,

students and staff. Our recruitment of members involve

The third council, English Lerner Advisory Council (ELAC), serves as an advisory council

to the SSC. This council is responsible for making budget recommendation to the School Site

Council. They will also ensure that their goals are aligned with the goals of the Single Plan for

Student Achievement. English Learner advisory Council will meet the same requirements as

the ELAC. This is a (2) year term. The governing board monitors results regularly and

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