
733 Words2 Pages


Schizophrenia is a hard mental disorder. It reflects of numerous

mental functions, thinking process, perception, emotions, motivation

and motoric functions. It is better to look at schizophrenia like a

syndrome, i.e. complex of symptoms and signs, because there is no

agreement about the causes of this disease.

There are a lot of hypothesis about the causes of schizophrenia. One

stands that the unhealthy family atmosphere causes disorder; others

stand on the biochemical conceptions of the disease which springs from

derangements in the brain metabolism and leads to hallucinations.

The first case of decease was described in 1896 by German psychiatrist

E. Krepelin. He named it dementia praecox which mean early dotage,

because patients lost most mental functions very early. He

distinguished that syndrome from other distresses and first of all

from manic-depressive psychosis or bipolar disorder. He also described

three types of dementia praecox: paranoiac, hebephrenic and catatonic.

Clinical research after a number of years of studying proved the

validity and utility of such classification. Modern psychiatrists

still use this Krepelin’s classification in their research.

The term “schizophrenia” was implemented but Swiss psychiatrist E.

Bleuler in 1911 in his monograph “Dementia Praecox oder Gruppe der

Schizophrenien”. He also added a forth type of this disorder: simple

form. Bleuler tried to describe schizophrenia based on “basis”

symptoms such as mental and emotional impairment.

In 1974 a Scandinavian psychiatrist G. Langfeld subdivided

schizophrenia into two forms: wi...

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...nic, because the behavior of patients can be socially

dangerous, and they can’t look after themselves. There is also a great

risk of suicide or aggression. In such cases compulsory

hospitalization is used.

In the long run most of the patients prove to be able to live outside

the clinic and lead rich social life if given appropriate social

support. Most of them are able to continue their work. Use of

tranquilizations over a long period of time suppress most of the

symptoms of the schizophrenia and normalize morale.

Social support is really important for long run help. It includes

observation of patients and consultations with specialists. Also

living conditions without strong stress are provided, because hostile

and critical attitude towards patient in the family circle may

stimulate recurring attack of disease.

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