Scarlet Ibis Theme Essay

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This story is called the "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst. In the beginning of the story, there was a boy that was just born and was probably going to die because of his defects until his brother found out that was fine, after 3 months they decided to give him a name, Doodle. the character doodle can be known for being kind and thoughtful. Doodle was very kind, he was never mad or rude, he was just happy. He would often keep his brother's secrets no matter how cruel he was. Doodles brother forced him to touch his own coffin. He told Doodle "IF you do not touch it I'm going to leave you alone until you do." Doodles brother was a bully to Doodle, he makes fun of Doodle. Not by saying ha you cant walk but he shows a picture of doodle

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