Saxophone Essay

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The Development of the Saxophone While researching texts written about the Saxophone instrument, I found lots of interesting information about how the Saxophone was created, by whom it was created and how it is used. The saxophone is an amazing instrument with so many various kinds and variations of it and could be integrated into many musical genres. The saxophone produces soft tones, jazz melodies, basically any type of song can be played on the saxophone depending on the level of the player. This instrument is very versatile, I am going to share some of the most amazing and challenging qualities of the saxophone. I will inform you about the history of the saxophone and how it has influenced the musical world, and much more.

The saxophone was created by Antoine Joseph Sax, but more popularly regarded as Adolphe Sax in 1846. The Saxophone is the most recent woodwind instrument to have been produced and accepted into music. In 1814, Adolphe Sax was born in Dinant, Belgium. At an early age, he learned from his father who retained his own instrument …show more content…

It is required to be played with much tighter muscles compared to the Alto, Tenor, and Baritone Saxophones. This led to its unpopular demise in the beginning of its musical journey, but Sidney Betchet believed in its potential as a primarily played saxophone and stood behind, the “underdog” of the saxophone family. In the 1950’s, a man named John Coltrane adopted the instrument, and from there it began to increase popularity and is still a beloved instrument in today’s modern music. The designer of the Soprano Saxophone would be Wayne Shorter, who is an astounding sopranoist. The Soprano Saxophone is pitched in the key of B flat. Modern versions of the Soprano Sax have a range from, A flat 3 to E6, which means they are pitched one octave above the Tenor

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