Savagery In Lord Of The Flies

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Meanwhile on an uninhabited island, many boys face the struggle of savagery and civilization. Without any adults around, the boys must create a civilization, but as the days go on it turns into savagery building up inside each one. Exploring the dark side of humanity, the savagery that underlies even the most civilized human beings, William Golding in his novel Lord of the Flies emphasizes savagery verses civilization by utilizing symbolism and character development to discuss the symbolic qualities of the characters displaying decay of reason.
The main character, the protagonist Ralph, in this allegorical tale, holds the position of a democratic leader since the begging of the novel. Being the natural born leader and who thinks in a positive …show more content…

Lord of the Flies circumducts around the moral of living on their own without any grownups, act violently to be able to survive, and to live by the rules. The boys stick very closely to the conditioned they have to follow and being able to recreate the structures of society by electing a leader—Ralph—and diving up into labor. “Ralph and Jack looked at each other while society paused about them. The shameful knowledge grew in them and they did not know how to begin confession” (Golding 40). Right when the boys end up on the island, each and every one of them happened to be so confused. Ralph and Jack in this instance don’t even know how to start a fire without a match being the civilized lads they are. Savagery progresses when Jack becomes obsessed with killing pigs and paints his face. Jack “"looked in astonishment, no longer at himself but an awesome stranger…The mask liberates Jack from his inhibitions, giving him the boldness to act, freeing him from "shame and self-consciousness” (Golding 63-64). Since Jack is a stronger and more powerful boy in this novel, he influences many of the other boys to follow in his footsteps. Even Ralph was dragged into this thing they called hunting. This shows that that all humans no matter how strong their instincts are towards civilization have an underlying nature of

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