Sarcas Prokofiev Essay

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4.1 Musical Expressions Conveyed Through the Innovations

In Prokofiev’s autobiography, he once wrote that during the year of 1916 he was trying to search for his own way to convey expression; he intended to show strong and mocking expression in his music. In Sarcasms Prokofiev shows his strong personal style and avant-garde music expressions, it was full of simplicity without redundant transition. The entire piece is like an abstract picture filled with colors and objects that do not exist in real life. The ruthless and terrifying sound effect is caused by various inconsistent music patterns. The further the music moves from the audience expectations, the more bizarre the music becomes. Other than the great contrast of the dynamics from fff to ppp and the parallel harmonic progression, the writer …show more content…

17 marks a turning point in Prokofiev’s compositional techniques. As I stated earlier, Prokofiev mentioned that he purposely tried to apply some innovative experiments in Sarcasms; these experiments are applied in the harmony, rhythm and meter, piano figuration, and the texture of Sarcasms. During this period, Prokofiev remained on the edge of the modernist movement, edging closer through inclusion of many new compositional techniques in his works. The dramatic contrasts in the piano figuration of Sarcasms include the dynamics, different textures, and inventive harmonies. The contrasts are extreme and whimsical, unlike other pieces that were composed earlier, which are markedly more similar to early experiments that tested the limitation of harmony, rhythm, and structure. Even with the pervasive character of detachment and isolation in the piece, Prokofiev still wisely applied reasonable tools to create links that would unify each section of the composition. There are still some connections that remain between the voices in these contrasts, which help to reconcile the disparate parts and bring out the sarcastic expression emphasized by Prokofiev’s

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