San Jose State University Scholarship

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I hope to be selected for the San Jose State University scholarship because I would love to succeed in my Linguistics program. I am a transfer student from Sacramento which is a city two hours away from San Jose, and relocating to study linguistics will end my job contract therefore I will not have the means to afford the TESOL program. Ever since I received my acceptance letter, I have contemplated how to afford the campus tuition and housing because I am reaching the limit on my student loan amount. The scholarship will allow me to complete my studies at San Jose and lessen the stress of tuition.

Additionally, San Jose State is one of the only universities in the state with a specific Linguistics program that will suit my educational goals. I have held my breath ever since I found out that San Jose has a class with Python for Non Computer Science Majors and a TESOL certificate for future linguists. Unlike the English major linguist minors universities around the state; the computational certificates and TESOL programs ran by Dr. Roula Svorou are what makes San Jose University Linguistics program modern and unique. I am specifically interested in the Ling 108 Class; Introduction to Second Language Development, and the scholarship …show more content…

Without the scholarship, I worry that may not have enough finances to fulfill my linguistic TESOL dream degree, and attend San Jose State. Without the scholarship, I will not be able to attend San Jose State which will dampen aspirations of becoming a linguist since San Jose is one of the only states with this specific integrated TESOL program. My dream is to attend San Jose State University and my acceptance email was like Christmas; however, nothing is for free. As reality sets in, I realize that I will have to cover my finances to stay at my dream university and

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