Samuel And Judges

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I was relieved that the text explained what being a Judge back then entailed and meant verses what we are familiar with the meaning of Judge. I had a rough idea of the meaning once I started reading, however to me it sounds like a nicer way of labeling someone as a military leader. I understand that Samson was one of the most famous of the Judges since he was known for his incredible strength. I was trying to figure out why the text focused on his love a weakness of Philistine women other than it somehow being used as a lesson of sort. All that comes to mind is the typical stories that we are use to about how great leaders and warriors have fallen because of their weakness for women. The text mentions that the story of Samson could be used …show more content…

Samuel role has the same importance as the judges, although has more responsibility. The Samuel and the judges were specifically chosen from the Lord to be leaders. Samuel and Samson were both born into significant status because it was the Lord who helped their mothers conceive. Even though there are similarities between Samuel and the judges, Samuel was chosen to have the responsibility of something much greater. Samuel was a seer and it also was Samuel’s job to “anoint kings and declare that they have been rejected by God.” (p. 140) Luckily, thanks to the television show Vikings, I know what the job of a seer entails. I am assuming that seer later became know as a prophet. The explanation of how Saul became King was very confusing to me. I made sure I read the section multiple times to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. When the text explains the first account of the election of Saul, it is my interpretation that Saul didn’t become King right away or he didn’t start off with a good start because he confided in Samuel about how he losing his donkeys. (p. 142) Then the text mentions, “Lost donkeys were a matter of concern for prophets and for future kings.” (p. 142) My interpretation is that this was a sign to Samuel and to the people in terms of Saul becoming the first king. Then in the second account, the text explains how Saul becomes king because he has the blessing of Samuel …show more content…

I see a similarity between Solomon and Saul. They both did not take the written laws as seriously as Samuel would expect, however they were both more concerned about keeping their power and status as king. Solomon also had forbidden relationships with many women. This was viewed as Solomon being diplomatic verses being extremely sexual. It wasn’t uncommon for leaders to establish diplomatic relations by giving up their daughters. Even though Solomon was viewed as a king who had wisdom and the vision for education and growth, it was his persistence of having forced labor that divided the

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