'Sam Walton And Gregory Mantsios's Class In America-2009'

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In the biographical sketches, "Sam Walton /Jay-Z" writer George Packer summarizes how both these individual rose to fame, acknowledging their accomplishment, although there was a dark path to obtain it. Comparably, "Serving in Florida" Barbara Ehrenreich, details through her experiment, that living on minimum wage is a hazel and involves sacrifices and challenges to ultimately succeed and survive. Similarly, in the article "Class in America-2009" writer Gregory Mantsios answered the many myths that evoke the American Dream, to help us as avoid the horrifying truth in America; there is no American Dream. Indeed, although these writers present a distinctive scenario of individuals trying to obtain the American dream, all these writers portray that the American dream is not as simple as it is said. …show more content…

In America, it is believed that the way to be successful is on must sacrifice and have the determination to obtain one's dream. However, the truth is has much as one works so hard that dream cannot be obtained unless one is fortunate to be born in wealth or has luck. For instance, in "Sam Walton/ Jay-Z", Jay is a perfect example that a dream can be obtained by luck. Born and raised in the projects Jay-Z did experience poverty, and his lifestyle influences him to seek for a better lifestyle. Although he did obtain his dream; becoming rich, and now considered one of the greater rapper. Jay Z had to go through a notorious lifestyle, to the point of risking his own life to become the person he is

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