Salvador Dali's Life And Accomplishments

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Salvador Dali was an artist and surrealist of the early to late twentieth century. He was born in Figueres, Spain on December 11, 1904 and died there on January 23, 1989 due to heart failure. In the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains, lived with his strict father and loving mother in Figueres, Spain. His school life was difficult for him due to his frequent and violent anger fits he experienced. His older brother died as a baby of gastroenteritis before he was born and also had taken the name Salvador. His parents believed Salvador was a reincarnation of his deceased brother. He lived with his parents and younger sister, Ana Maria. At an early age he displayed his artistic skills and his parents supported him and in seeing his talent, sent him to a drawing school at the Colegio de Hermanos Maristas but Salvador was not a serious student and still suffered from anger fits. In 1926 he was permanently expelled for calling his examiners incompetent to test him. Five years prior to this his mother died of breast cancer and he was devastated and even more so that his father then married his aunt. …show more content…

He traveled the world with his wife, Gala, whom he married in 1958 after she left her husband before him for Salvador, and spread his ideas and was inspired by several famous artists like Picasso. His most recognized painting is called Persistence of Memory and it displays a melting clock in a landscape setting. This painting symbolizes how even solid things in your life could liquify and fall apart. His style of art consisted of three main themes: (1) man’s universe and sensations, (2) sexual symbolism, (3) and ideographic

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