Saltbox Roof Research Paper

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Menu Name: saltbox roof

Article Summary: Saltbox roofs were common in colonial times and, although less popular today, continue to offer advantages to homeowners.


A special type of architecture developed in American colonial days as a practical way to increase the size of a residence. Homes constructed this way came to be known as saltbox houses. They had a distinctive roof structure that fit the size and shape of the home. Although originally built on the east coast of the states, saltbox homes and roofs can sometimes be found in other locations. Experts at Bergen County roofing companies can help homeowners decide if the saltbox style has advantages for their local climate and neighborhood.

Due to limitations of time, materials and weather, many of …show more content…

Those who want a home that doesn’t look like everyone else’s house may select a saltbox. Although getting the roof trusses correct can be complex, the basic saltbox design is simple and strong. It fits in well in most environments. The roof can usually be insulated easily to reduce heating or cooling cost.


Lean to

A lean to was originally a small three sided shelter often used to protect equipment or animals. It may have been roofed or attached to another building. People later began attaching one or more four sided and roofed lean tos to their homes as a way of increasing their living space. FAQ:

What is a gable?

Although a gable may appear to be part of a roof, it is actually an extension of the wall. Gables are triangles, with the top of the wall forming the bottom, or horizontal, side of the triangle. The two vertical sides of the triangle are formed by the sloping edges of the roof. The angles of the gable are dependent on the construction details of the roof. A gable may be sharply pointed, or it may be gently

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