Salman Rushdie Argumentative Essay

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The world is changing in many different ways. There are now people, such as Salman Rushdie, who believe that being devoutly religious is dangerous to society. However much society is changing, that does not give him the right to call millions of people dangerous for believing in a deity. Religious and nonreligious individuals should not be looked at differently, in terms of being a danger to society. Salman Rushdie’s message about the danger of being devoutly religious is one without support and based on opinion and not fact. Religious individuals are one of the most mentally stable and longest living people in society. According to a study published in December 2010 in the journal American Sociological review, happiness among religious individuals comes not from a certain belief, but from getting together at churches, temples, …show more content…

These individuals, quite contrary to Salman Rushdie’s belief, have been beneficial to society. Individuals, such as Bill Gates have been very beneficial to the global community. He identifies as a Christian and sends his children to church. He also co-founded the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, which is a worldwide philanthropic organization. Some of their goals include helping people in developing countries escape the shackles of poverty. (Foundation). Another religious philanthropic individual would be John F. Kennedy. He was a catholic individual, who is also considered by some to be one of the greatest president that the United States ever had. Some of his accomplishments include proposing the bill for the civil rights act. President Kennedy was also one the main catalase for NASA putting Neil Armstrong on the moon. (Rawden). He asked the director of NASA how behind they are in the space race, and as a result Neil Armstrong got to walk on the moon. Salman Rushdie in his essays also failed to mention that anyone, not just religious individuals can be dangerous to

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