Salem Witch Trial Vs Guantanamo Bay Essay

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The Salem witch trials and the situation at Guantanamo Bay are similar as well as different. Both involve torture, unfairness, false accusations and inconclusive outcomes. They violate human rights and the justice process. The Salem witch trials revolve around the fear of neighbors and outsiders and the Guantanamo Bay situation revolves around the fear of terrorism. Although the fears are very different, the results are similar. One way they are similar is they both operated by fear. During the Salem witch trials everyone is in fear so they hang people with no evidence. The reason Guantanamo Bay became a prison was to detain terrorist after 9/11. People were scared of terrorist so they wanted them taken care of any way possible. Therefore, they allowed the U.S. Government to lock people up with no evidence. In both these situations spectral …show more content…

For instance in the witch trials the accused were brought to court and unfairly tried in court. This is different from the situation in Guantanamo Bay. Suspected terrorist are placed in jail instantly, and may never have the chance to be tried. Another way they are different is that it was publicly announced when someone went to jail for being a witch while in Guantanamo Bay people are taken from around the world and no one knows where they go and they are just missing and end up in Guantanamo Bay. A person who goes to Guantanamo has no contact with the outside world and their family may never know what happened to their loved ones. Much has changed since the salem witch trials though. In Guantanamo Bay people are not told to confess or be killed. They are in jail and told to give up information or they could be tortured and not killed. During the witch trials, if they confessed to being a witch or accused others, they were put in jail or even released. If they said they were not guilty they were hung, without

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