Saintemarie Emergency Department Case

501 Words2 Pages

SainteMarie Emergency Department Case
1. Some of the operational problems that Saintemarie Emergency Department is facing include issues with quality, work environment and economic issues, amongst others. In terms of quality, the wait-time targets are being met, however, a doctor sees only 2/3 of patients that enter the emergency department within the maximum delay period. This means that the quality of service suffers as well as patient safety for those that leave without seeing a doctor due to long wait times. As far as work environment issues, the department is struggling because experienced nurses and doctors are resigning since the environment seems to be too stressful. Lastly, Saintemarie ED is facing economic issues because the long wait times are having negative effects on revenues since there are lost revenues associated with patients leaving and not being treated.

The current performance of the emergency department is not up to standards and would receive a grade of a 6 out of 10 if it had to be ranked on a great performance scale. Some of the drivers of these problems include the fact that the emergency department is the only one …show more content…

If we were to conduct a back-of-the-envelope calculation on the average time that patients wait before entering the care process, it would result in approximately one hour for the average time. We can calculate this by adding the time it takes for the nurse to perform the triage (about 2-3 minutes), plus 10 minutes for the administration entry (registration). Then we need to average out the amount of time it takes to for someone to be assigned based on the different degrees of emergency. I.e. the first degree is immediate (zero minutes), the 2nd degree wait time is approximately 20 minutes, and the third degree average wait time is about 120 minutes (2 hours). If we take the average of these three we get approximately 47 minutes and we can add that onto the 12-13 minutes prior to get an average wait time of about one

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