Sacrifice In Mayan Culture

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The moral value of human activity is determined by our culture. The Mayans are an excellent example. In their time, their “god” commanded sacrifice. They would have games where the winning team won the highest honor, which was to be sacrificed to their Mayan God. The Mayans would continue this tradition through the end of their times. Today we would look at this ritual and claim these people are immoral. Why should the winning team of a game be the ones to get sacrificed? Being that it was the highest honor to receive, the Mayans knew that winning would be their reckoning day and they embraced their fate. Today, we would look back at this ritualistic behavior as immoral. These men that participated in the games didn’t deserve to die because they won a game. They didn’t even know if this god even existed. The Mayans cultured weighed heavily on this behavior. In Mayan tradition sacrifice was a way to please god. This would promise good crops, peace, and a good life. Because this was their culture they saw nothing wrong with what they were doing. They didn’t see that human life was valuable and that each life …show more content…

There was nothing wrong with “owning” another human-being. This idea led to a culture in America that believed that human life was indeed not equal. The color of your skin or the wealth to your name dictated whether you were a valuable life. Without either of those you were deemed unfit to common society and could not contribute value to society. In modern times, we still fight for equal rights. We’ve come a long way from where we were back in the early days but we still have a culture of class warfare. As part of this culture we still target minority groups. In today’s society, we see nothing wrong with this activity. There are no moral consequences to this upbringing. People don’t see that our nation is immoral and weighs one life over another based off their color or

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