Saban's Power Rangers And Planet Earth: Cenozoic Era

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I grew up watching the Power Rangers with my cousin, so I knew it would bring back childhood memories. That is what made watching Saban's Power Rangers even more exciting. The beginning caught my attention when "Planet Earth: Cenozoic Era" popped onto the screen glowing yellow words. I find it captivating when a film begins in the past and continues into the present. The film is stellar in design, composition, humorous dialogue, and cinematography camera shots, however, it falls a bit short in action which overall makes Saban's Power Rangers a satisfactory film to watch with family and friends.
The film genuinely captures modern time with its design and composition. It is noticeable that the armor for the power rangers upgraded and looks more realistic than in the television series. The same goes for the Zords, Dino machines they fight in. Both costumes and setting show the advanced development of technology and how fashion has changed. The clothes each actor wears shows their personality in the film. The lighting and shadows in every scene capture exactly what needs to be …show more content…

It mainly came from the blue power ranger who is named Billy Cranston and he cannot read humor or sarcasm because of a condition he has. Billy describes how he supposedly beat another student to a crowd by saying, "...if you must, come at me, come at me, bro." Then when he contemplates whether or not he should jump to the other side, " the drop is more than 100 feet, which means death is imminent" It is humorous that he speaks to himself and mentions how his mother can find someone if he dies so she would not be alone and makes the jump. Billy has the excitement of a child and does a little clap when he likes what he hears. When all the Zords become one Billy yells "like a mama Zord, no that sounds lame like a mega Zord" to describe how they look. Then right after they all try to walk and end up falling making everyone

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