SEAL Team Six Analysis

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In life, we face many challenges with morality and how we feel about others. Sometimes we just push these feelings aside and pretend like they do not exist. However, SEAL Team members do not get a choice in deciding how they deal with these feelings. Throughout the book “SEAL Team Six,” Howard Wasdin develops the themes morality and brotherhood throughout the book to describe his difficult but exciting time as a SEAL Team Six member. Throughout the book, Wasdin uses the theme of brotherhood as a way of explaining how the men are always there for each other no matter what happens to them. Wasdin overcomes many trials in his life; however his friends and fellow military men have been there to support him. In the book, Wasdin talks about a fight that he was put in while he was in SAR, Search and Rescue, training. The after math of this fight was horrific, however his friends in training helped him. “They literally carried me to the parking lot and put me in a car. After helping take off my gloves, they changed me into some sweats and drove me to a Wendy’s, where we ate” (46). The men did whatever it takes just to make sure that their friends were taken care of and well. Wasdin later describes a situation where a fellow SEAL member took care of …show more content…

The men have to learn to stick together and fight for each other no matter what they are personally going through out of respect and brotherhood. Just like brotherhood, the men have to learn how to deal with mortality. Overtime and experiences, the men learned to overcome the pain and confusion of death and the fact that they have to decide whether it is okay to kill an unarmed person or not. They go through many difficult, scary challenges that always test their emotions and abilities. The only way they can function is to overcome these challenges of brotherhood and

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