SDSU Personal Statement

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When I first came into SDSU I had dreams and aspirations of becoming a businessman, I thought it would be something like in the movies where I go to class and I am immediately great at what I do, but an abrupt disaster from my Econ 101 class and my Stats 119 class showed me that my talents could be applied in another field, because I discovered that I really did not like math related subjects and in business that is all I would be facing. Suddenly while searching for a new choice in careers, I remembered while in high school I was always into Psychology and although I may not have excelled in the matter, I enjoy speaking about it. I am just going into the field but I hope to help children that experienced a traumatic experience such as me when …show more content…

I went to see a therapist to speak about what I felt was going on and afterwards I made strides and figured things out about myself that I wouldn’t have unless my therapist at the moment helped me get through those tough times. But I still didn’t feel like I was being myself. Now we change the setting to high school and my friend went to a different school, we still talked but it wasn’t the same as before. I did my best to make friends and join extracurricular activities and I picked up boxing as a hobby where I made many friends. If I can help any children get out of their shell the way that I was helped would be a great service in their lives and a vindication in mine that I chose the right career path. Now that I am in college I know how great it is to be yourself because trying to be something different can be toxic to an individual. I do wish to help children with the issues that bother them, because they seem so insignificant to adults but they are disastrous for them. And I know that sometimes they may just need a friend, so I wish to be that friend, I am still unsure of what realm of psychology but I want to explore my options and possibly double major with Spanish as

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