Ryker's Bullying Story

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Once upon a time in a old and smelly school yard with only a basketball court a boy named John Gotti that was blue, grey, and tall was rough on everyone.There was also another boy that was small, red, and with green hair, and his name was Ryker Smith.Ryker was 13 year old boy who was really strong, and good at basketball since all they had was a basketball court.John had found a small, nerdy, and fat, and started to bully her as hard as he could.That is when Ryker had just came out of the cafeteria, and saw that John was bullying.That is when Ryker comes in and pushes John off of the girl, and says” Pick on someone your own gender.” That is when John says “It’s time for me and Smith to fight.”That is when a teacher sees that they are about to fight.She steps in and say” Yall stop,” John had got mad that they had to stop fighting, so he told Ryker “See you tomorrow.” It was the next day, and even though John was 13 he thought he would drive to school today.That was a bad idea, and that

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