Russia And The Ukraine Crisis

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At the heart of the crisis in the Ukraine is the question of whether that country would be better off forging a future with the European Union or with Russia. The answer is very complex as the Ukraine and Russia have a long history together with many citizens of the Ukraine having very close ties to Russia. But there is also a strong desire by many Ukrainians to build a future that has a more open political system, more promising economic opportunities, and a less oppressive and corrupt government with a better track record on human rights. Many believe Russia’s intention is to reassemble those Eastern European countries into a 2014 version of the Iron Curtain. The Ukraine is very important to Russia economically, militarily and historically. In recent months, Russia has gone to extreme measures to protect its interests, whether it is persuasion or brute force. Despite Russia’s aggression, the Ukraine should resist moving backward into a murky alliance with Russia and strike out in a new, freer direction by building a stronger alliance with the Europe Union. Before the Ukraine crisis even started, Russia and Ukraine have had an on-going history for over 1000 years. The relationship between these two countries has had its ups and downs including the recent bloodshed where several pro-Russian militants were killed by Ukrainian military forces. Clearly, the crisis is reaching a level of tension and violence it hasn't experienced in decades. As the world debates the fate of the Ukraine, one of the central questions seems to be, “While the Ukraine has had close ties to Russia for centuries, why does Russia now feel justified in taking over entire sections of the Ukraine, like Crimea?” Again, it starts with the fact that these two co... ... middle of paper ... ...icularly important to Russia’s navy and merchant fleets. Russia today is using military force, putting tanks and troops ready for invasion at any moment on the outsides of Ukrainian territory, to try and “persuade” Ukraine into joining them. Russia is also using its Air Force to patrol overhead and support the ground troops when needed. This is how tense the situation Ukraine is in at the moment (“Russia Battles”). It was even proven that the Crimea vote to join Russia, which was currently the first to take a ballot in joining Russia, was a forced ballot that contained fake ballots and many duplicated votes. A reporter even said they saw Russian troops patrolling around the ballot area as well as some voters dropping three or more ballots into the box (Smith, 1). That is clearly a fraudulent voting system and should be investigated by non-partisan or UN officials.

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