Russia Absolute Monarchy

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Monarchies have been the major system of government in European countries for many centuries. The two major forms of monarchy are absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy. A nation under a constitutional monarchy is governed by a group of elected representatives and the monarch, who is restricted in power by law, acts as a figurehead. This ensures that the citizens of the country have a voice and cannot be controlled by the whims of one single person, which is what occurs in an absolute monarchy. A recurring theme amongst absolute monarchs is that they ignore the natural rights of their subjects, or ignore them altogether. They can do whatever they please because they have complete control over their country and their subjects. Many great empires have fallen due to the corruption of its rulers and in the past one hundred and fifty years, Russia has been no exception. In fact, Russia is one of the most popular examples of absolute power gone horribly wrong and some …show more content…

Her objective view of how Nicholas II’s decadent leadership effected Russia and how his family’s legacy still influences Russian culture is praised in professional book reviews. Fleming recounts the life of Nicholas II, the last tsar of Russia, and his family. Under his rule, imperial Russia crumbled and the Romanov Dynasty came to an end. Just as Russia did, many other great empires have fallen under their tyrannical rulers who reigned with absolute power. This is a recurring theme in absolute monarchies, whereas in constitutional monarchies the public has rights and a voice to represent them. Absolute and constitutional are the main forms of monarchy in Europe. This system of government has dominated Europe for centuries, and still exists

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