Russell Benfanti's Hide Clyde

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The teacher read the book by Russell Benfanti called Hide Clyde (2002), aloud to her students. This book was rated as level one which classified it as a Pre-kindergarten to Kindergarten’s book. It is about Clyde the chameleon who had trouble camouflaging himself in the jungle despite being taught on many occasions. It was important that he quickly mastered the skill of camouflage, because his life often depended upon this. Clyde managed to change several colors throughout the story; however, it was never the right color at the right time. Clyde was excellent at catching insects of all shapes and sizes with his tongue. He was the only one in his whole family capable of doing this. Clyde’s extraordinary abilities allowed him to attach himself to a giant Bumble Bee and travel to someone’s home. Once he became lost …show more content…

Clyde was able to attached to the Bumble Bee once again, and he caught a ride back to the jungle reveal to his family that he could finally change colors correctly. Before the teacher read the book to her students, she provided them with the name of the author. She explained the front cover, back cover, and title page of the book. As the teacher displayed the book to the class she asked her students to name the type of animal that is on the cover page, and what they the book was about. The students were completely engaged as teacher read the book to them aloud. She brought to the students attention that at the end of every sentences, the words rhymed. For example, she asked the students to repeat after her as she said the words, hide and ride. The students were surprised to see the character as he changed colors throughout the story. The teacher asked the students to counted the number of times Clyde changed his color, and to name the different

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