Rudyard Kipling's The Man Who Would Be King

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Rudyard Kipling's "The Man who Would Be King" deals with man's ability to rule. The character Dravot's success and failure in ruling derives from the perception of him as a god, instead of a king. Kipling uses the perception of Dravot as a god to show that though a king can rule as a god, he becomes a king by being human.

Dravot gains kingly power by being perceived as a god. The perception of him as a god occurs through his actions and luck. After helping the first village Peachy and he find in Kafiristan, Dravot takes power from the former leaders. He becomes more than a leader to the people, however, as "every morning Dravot sat by the side of old Imbra, and the people came and worshipped. That was Dravot's order" (92). By ordering the people to worship him as a god, Dravot influences the natives into seeing him as a king-as-god, meant to be followed because of power, not decisions. Similar techniques are used with success throughout villages in the area, as now Dravot has "the whole country as far as it's worth having" (94). Although all of the natives don't initially view ...

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