Ruby Bridges Thesis

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So in this time period there was a six year old Ruby Bridges she did something great well more than great i think it’s incredibly brave if you ask me .The time period was 1960 ,what did this six year old girl ? well she was the first african american female to interrogate an all white school just by the age of six .But the the fact of Ruby Bridges being a african american the white parents didn’t like that so on her first day of school she had to be escorted to class by her mother and U.S Marshals . Ruby Bridges fought school segregation and equal education by integration William Frantz Elementary school with the help of federal marshals ,she was ready to end this school segregation and she was inspiring the next generation of the young leaders .This leader’s goal was to desegregation an all white school and to learn . The leader I choses fought for the right for desegregation equal rights for blacks and whites .These goals were very important she felt that everyone no matter what race we should all be equal .

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