Ruben The Great Gatsby

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There once was a Rubik’s cube named Ruben. Ruben lived in a toy chest with his friends, Harry the Hot Wheels Car, Evan the Stuffed Elephant,and Sammy the Slinky in a young boy, named Steve Jackson's room. Ruben was relatively new to the toy chest. He was a gift from Steve’s Great Aunt Mabel. When Ruben arrived at Steve’s house, Steve eagerly opened Ruben’s box. He pulled Ruben out, looked at him and said, “I wonder what this thing does?” with a very puzzling look on his face. At first, it did not dawn on Steve that Ruben was a puzzle. Steve thought Ruben was some sort of Lego. “How does this thing come apart?” Steve asked himself Realizing that Ruben was not a Lego, Steve became impatient and twisted and turned Ruben until all of his colors were mixed up. …show more content…

Harry the Hot Wheels Car, Evan the Stuffed Elephant, and Sammy the Slinky were pulled out of the toy chest almost everyday. Ruben was pushed to the side. Ruben was not played by at all by Steve. “When will I get played with and solved?” Ruben said in a very depressing tone. One day, Steve’s friend, Tommy, came over to his house. After they played baseball for about an hour, they came inside to play with Steve’s toys. “ Do you want to play with my Hot Wheels car? It can go really fast!” Steve said. “ No, I’m okay. Do you have any other toys?” Tommy said. “Yeah!” exclaimed Steve happily, “ I have a stuffed elephant and a slinky, which are both really cool.” “No thanks, I’m fine. Do you have any other toys?” Tommy said, wondering if there was a toy that he liked.” “Nope, those are my only toys,” Steve said regretfully. Tommy was upset. He was excited to play with one of Steve’s toys. “Oh wait,” Steve said, “ I have this thing. I think it is called a Rubik’s Cube.” “Wow!” said Tommy. “That is so cool!” Tommy grabbed the puzzle right out of Steve’s hands and started to turn the Rubik’s Cube. “ How do you solve it?” Tommy asked very intrigued on how the puzzle

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