Route 66 Persuasive Essay

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In belief my opinion I believe route 66 is better.Because it is much better to ride on.It is better to me because the Interstate is all loud and noisy while on the other hand Route 66 is much much more quieter and peaceful.When your riding on the interstate its like your baby brother crying all night long while Route 66 is sleeping like a peaceful cloud.Route 66 is the highway of the unknown and the Interstate is the highway to hell.What i mean by that is the Interstate is sometimes narrow while Route 66 is a open road.On the Interstate people are cursing and fussing about how slow or how fast one is going or doing wrong.Wherever you are on any Interstate will get you there faster you will also have to deal with a lot of traffic but on Route 66 you wont have to deal with much traffic.Although there are more places to stop and Drink on the interstate On Route 66 there are many places to look see and maybe visit. In the prompt it talks about and states that sometimes its like a journey or sometimes like a rush to get from point A to point B.It also says that Route 66 is old so that means that there would be some more things to look at.Sure the interstate gets you there faster.When you drive the two lane highways it does not matter how much time it takes.In fact you might even wanna keep driving and driving and driving because you are having so much fun. …show more content…

A writer named William Least-Heat Moon coined the term to refer to those smaller, out-of-the-way roads that were drawn in blue on the old road atlases. Blue highways connect small cities and rural areas that may once have had dreams of becoming big cities before being bypassed by the interstate. With many of these smaller places, though, you get the sense that they are exactly what they always wanted to be: warm and human-sized, comfortable places to

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