Rousseau's Discourse

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The essential argument within the Rousseau last paragraph of Note 9 is whether not is the best options for people to go to their original state as human beings. In Rousseau’s words, “….must destroy societies, annihilate thine and mine. and return to live in the forests with bears?” (last paragraph on pg.80). According to Rousseau, this action will help people, today, to restore peace to their lives where they don’t have to worry about daily problems and leave all the corruption behind. Rousseau come to realize that human beings, who experiences passion, needs structure and rules to help them survive. Especially a government that helps protects them from harm and sickness. He stated “ like me, whose passions have forever destroyed their simplicity, who can no longer feed on grass and acorn[s], nor get by without laws and chiefs…” (pg. 80, sentence 5, last paragraph). Rousseau goes on explaining how mankind can not …show more content…

Rousseau stated that the origin of mankind relies on the establishment of societies and the abuse of it. He explains that the nature of man and reason gives man the divine right, which means that we get our human rights from god. Rousseau stated, “…independently of the scared dogmas that gives to sovereign authority the sanction of divine right. Its follows from this presentation, that inequality is practically nonexistent in the state of nature, it derives its force and growth from the development of our facilities and the progress of the human mind, and eventually becomes stable and legitimate through the establishment of property and laws.” ( sentence 1 and 2 on page 71). He explains when divine right is later establish in the laws and society, inequality would be the effect of the divine right being establish in society, today. Rousseau, also talks about moral inequality and how it contradicts with positive

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