Ross King Sistine Ceiling Sparknotes

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Ross King's purpose in writing this book is to detail Michelangelo's magnificent struggle with personal, political, and artistic difficulties during the painting of the Sistine ceiling. He also gives an engaging portrait of society and politics during the early sixteenth century. King uses a straightforward approach to describe the events surrounding the creation of the Sistine ceiling. The order of events is mostly chronological. When King feels he should clarify or explain a brief part of history or a concept we may not be familiar with, King explains the idea briefly and then continues at the point where he left off. This became confusing when King discusses a variety of wars that were in progress during the early 1500's. Even a person …show more content…

For example, though Michelangelo was not an engineer, he managed to create an effective design for the scaffolding. King cites Gilbert as stating, “...[Michelangelo’s] design for the scaffold ultimately produced a sort of bridge, or rather a series of foot bridges that spanned the chapel from the level of the windows” (King 52). This design proved to be successful and once again showed just how bright Michelangelo was. Over the course of four years working on the Sistine Chapel Michelangelo painted twelve figures which were of seven prophets and five sibyls (female prophets of myth) around the border of the ceiling he painted scenes from Genesis. Moreover, the most famous Sistine Chapel painting was the creation of Adam. Personally, I felt overwhelmed at times with the excessive detail and explanation which I felt were irrelevant to the book for instance, King states, “Pozzolana should, then, have made for a plaster ideally suited to the weather or Rome as the tramontana swept down from the Alps” (King 103). King does not clearly explain what pozzolana or tramontana are. Therefore, he assumes the reader

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