Rosie The Riveter Thesis

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Rosie the Riveter came around WW2 and men had gone back to war, and the women were left at home to do nothing. Rosie the Riveter was a campin for woman. She was in magazines and her main moto was “we can do it.” She was a symbol for women around the U.S. Instead of woman just being normal housewifes Rosie promoted the idea of woman getting jobs while their husbands were in the war. Just because we're girls doesn't mean we can’t have jobs too. Rosie wasn't an actual person at first. Yes there was a model, but that's not the real Rosie.
“The models name was Geraldine Hoff Doyle, but the real Rosie was Naomi Parker Fraley. She had been working in a navy machine shop during the war, and that's how she got recognized.” (Fox). Rosie the riveter …show more content…

After the campaign of Rosie the Riveter “We can do it” “The workforce in the US went up from 27% to 37% by 1945 1 out of every 4 married woman had jobs.” (“ROSIE THE RIVETER”).
Once Rosie's campaign was a thing the idea of having woman working came to life the statistics of women having jobs went up 10%. Once females saw the campaign more than 6 million females helped build planes, bombs, tanks and other weapons used for war. Females really started to do “mens work” to show men that females are just as good.
Since Rosie was a complete feminist, and having woman working is all that she wanted.

2 Rosie also impacted feminism through her advertizing. There were articles and ads put in magazines throughout the war to get women's attention. The magazine War Guide recommended that all magazines participate in a “woman at work page” to promote women to work, and tons of employment opportunities. One of the slogans that showed in these pages were "The more women at work, the sooner we win." (“Rosie the Riveter.).
Rosie's motto was all over the US because of theses magazines. The idea of “We can do it” actually worked, woman started

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