Root Cellur By Theodore Roethke: Poem Analysis

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Author Theodore Roethke was a very profound poet. Most of what he wrote about somehow related to his arduous childhood. Roethke was a very intelligent teenager often reading in his free time. He grew up on a Twenty-Five acre green-house with his father and uncle. Whenever he was only fourteen his father passed away from cancer, and his uncle committed suicide. Suffering from loss and abandonment in the beginning of his life, Roethke found comfort in his peers. Roethke decided to earn his degree in teaching and poety as a young adult. “Root Cellur” a poem by Roethke is a poem about the struggle of life. In the root cellar the reader can infer that life is present. Although, everything in this cellar is old and disgusting, it continues to strive, find new ways to survive and reproduce. The plants in the cellar are determined to survive and will stop for nothing. The mood is inspiring, the plants have nothing in their favor but still work around their problems. This poem's theme is the celebration of life and how wonderful and at times strenuous it can be. The plants are struggling in the cellar. Even though it is expected of them to die without much sunlight and nutrition they continue, just like humans would for their lives. …show more content…

There are organism's growing stronger each day, “Nothing would sleep in that cellar, dank as a ditch” (1). Many of the plants in the vile cellar were rotting, still they re-produced, “Pulpy stems, rank, silo-rinch” (8). The plant's in the cellar seem to be screaming that they are alive with the smell that they are giving off “Roots ripe as old bait” (7). Although, a cellar is dark and cold the plants within are over populating the root cellar. Everything in the cellar is alive and thriving, “Even the dirt kept breathing a small breath”(11). Roethke uses the last line about the dirt to describe how determined the organisms in the cellar are to

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