Roosevelt Corollary

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As one of the most prosperous nations, the Unites States desired to protect and manage “their” portion of the world. In the early 1800s, James Monroe created a plan that adhered to the isolationists’ point of view in America. This plan became known as the Monroe Doctrine. Time passed quickly and as the United States acquired more land, Theodore Roosevelt revolutionized the plan with the Roosevelt Corollary. Roosevelt’s ideas altered the way foreign affairs in the Western Hemisphere were handled.
Traditionally, most Americans believed that European countries should stay out of the affairs happening in the Western Hemisphere, and in return they would do the same. This concept prompted President James Monroe to develop the Monroe Doctrine. The doctrine stated that European countries who tried to further colonize in the Americas would be seen as making aggressive acts. The United States would become involved if necessary, but stated that they would not cause worry to already existing settlements. With this established, peace was made and for the majority kept throughout most of the ni...

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